
Artikel Bahaya Narkotika dan Obat-Obatan Terlarang

Hello guys! udah lama nih ga ngepost hehe... kali ini ngepostnya pake Bahasa Indonesia ya... semoga bermaanfaat guys!😀 BAHAYA NARKOTIKA DAN OBAT-OBATAN TERLARANG Narkotika dan Obat-obatan terlarang atau biasa disebut NARKOBA adalah bahan / zat yang dapat mempengaruhi kondisi kejiwaan / psikologi seseorang (pikiran, perasaan dan perilaku) serta dapat menimbulkan ketergantungan fisik dan psikologi. Pada dasarnya narkotika digunakan sebagai obat penghilang rasa sakit serta sangat berguna di bidang medis, namun belakangan ini banyak sekali terjadi kasus penyalahgunaan narkotika khusus nya di kalangan remaja Indonesia . Berdasarkan data BNN pada bulan November 2015 pengguna narkoba di Indonesia diperkiraan mencapai 5,9 juta orang, parahnya lagi kebanyakan penggunanya adalah remaja usia produktif, selain itu BNN juga mengungkapan setidaknya ada 40-50 orang yang meninggal dunia akibat penyalahgunaan narkoba setiap harinya. Ini menandakan masih kurangnya edukasi tentang baha...
Hello everyone! today i wanna tell about my abilities, weakness, strengh, and my future plans in my english languange.😎 When i was young, i really love english language. Therefore, I take an English course in LIA when i was 2nd Elementary School until 5th Elementary school. So, i feel confident with  my ability but doesn't mean i feel satisfied with my ability, however, i must develop my language countinously. My strong point is Reading ability. In english language, i think Reading is the easiest part of english learning. I'm quiete happy with my Writings ability, but Listening is another story. Yeah, as you know,  it's hard to listen especially with native speakers. My main problem in english is to improve my speaking skill because I have a hard time to manage my schedule between study and organization. Based on my abilities and my weakness, My priorities is to upgrade my Listening ability and then my Speaking ability. Because, it will very useful for us if we want ...
                Hello guys welcome back on my blog wkwk…. Today I want to tell you about my story when first time i met my soul mate in senior high school. Enjoy my story 😁. The First Man Standing August 2013, for the twice time I made a new story of my school years. I just graduate from my junior high school , Alhamdulillah I can continued my studied to my favorite senior high school in Bekasi. Need extra struggle and perseverance so that I could get into this beloved school. In the morning of my first day in my school, it was a freak moment and very busy morning after my long holiday. I had orientation day until next 3 days, I’m prepared as well for that to make me comfort and enjoy my orientation. Cloth and equipment that requested by the orientation committee so made me feel uncomfortable and annoyed. I went to school with my dad using motorcycle, I feel embarrassed because everyone looking at me. When I arrived in the front...
How to install Ultimate++ And Make A Program From U++ Hello Guys!😎 welcome back on my blog!🐆. Today i want to tell you how to install Ultimate++ in GUI and make a button and count the click with GUI. Same like before... first let me tell you the definition of GUI. GUI           GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a graphical display that contains the tools or components that enable users to perform interactive work.  GUI created for the user to interact with the computer hardware and ease of operating a system (user friendly). okey,now let's start install the Ultimate++ 😎 How To Install Ultimate++ Now, go to and click download the ultimate++. Then, select your OS if you use Microsoft Windows you can  click download on the MS Windows Platform. Then, select the lastest update from U++  After that choose u++ with mingw compiler and download it! After the download...
Make An Animation Using Canvas on HTML5          Hello Guys !😏 Long time no see! it's a long time not post anything on my blog… today I’m going to explain you about How to make animation using Canvas on HTML5! 😆. Before explain how to make An Animation using canvas, let me tell you short description about HTML5 and Canvas. Enjoy and learn!💪 HTML5          HTML5 is the 5 version of HTML (Hypertext Mark up Languange) with new elements, attributes, and behaviors. It's launched on 2014 after the previous version HTML 4.01 on 2001. HTML5 serves as a markup language for structuring and displaying the contents of the World Wide Web.  <canvas>          <canvas> element is Used to review Graphic, objects on the website that generally using javascript script.<Canvas> is only a syntax for a draw, and to paint it you must use a script and several methods for drawing lines, b...
Programming basic syntax of Making Decision and L ooping          Hello Programmer! Today I want explain and show to you about some syntax in C programming language. Let’s start and Enjoy!  Making Decision          How to use making decision on programming? Making Decision used when you want to execute a syntax or select some statements to be executed base on outcome of condition (whether is true or false). In Making Decision on C there are: Ø If statement (if) Ø If else statement (if else) Ø Nested if else statement (if elseif else) Ø Switch case construct         Let me give you an example, this is the syntax when you want to make a if statement,if else statement, if elseif else statement and switch case.   Ø If statement: is used when you want to execute one condition is true Example: (Input) When you run the if statement will show this output: (Output) ...